Chinese Media Remove Articles Criticizing BTS For Statement ‘6.25’


It seems that the Chinese media have removed articles criticizing BTS.

Global Times, the Chinese media outlet that reported that Chinese netizens were angered by BTS’s speech about the Korena War, apparently removed the article.

When searching for ‘BTS’ on Baidu while linking to the official Global Times website, only the title of the article can be seen. When the article is clicked, a 404 message appears saying “Sorry, there are a lot of users “ and the content is inaccessible.

Also, there are no new malicious comments or negative posts about BTS on social media, including Weibo except for existing positions.

This is believed to be due to voluntary efforts by the Chinese authorities to address concerns about international criticism. Many have criticized that Chinese netizens are overreacting.

Instead of the previous article criticizing BTS, the Global Times published an article with the provocative title “BTS didn’t do anything wrong, they don’t need Chinese fans. ” October 14.

While the Chinese authorities have been trying to resolve the matter about the Chinese netizen’s opposition to BTS’s acceptance speech at the Van Fleet Award, the Global Times appears to be trying to rekindle the dispute.

On October 14, the Global Times published an article covering the reaction of Korean netizens and how Korean media mainly reported the negative reaction to Chinese netizens’ opposition to BTS’s comment. The Global Times stated that Korean netizens see the reaction of Chinese netizens as a “Chauvinism (aggressive patriotism) “.

The Global Times reported that major Korean media outlets had published articles with headlines that read “China is exaggerating ” Y “China’s media incites public opinion.” They also stated that Korean netizens have commented saying, “BTS didn’t do anything wrong, they don’t need Chinese fans. “
The Global Times reported that the most liked comments are comments that argue toward China. They also revealed that a researcher from a Korean securities company stated that BTS is not so dependent on the Chinese market. Also, that BTS are global stars, therefore there is no significant impact on Big Hit EntertainmentIPO.

It seems that the Global Times is trying to stimulate the patriotism and nationalistic sentiment of Chinese netizens once again by reporting the reactions of Korean netizens.
