Chinese Foreign Minister lashes out at politicians pandemic


BEIJING (AP): China’s foreign minister says the country has controlled the coronavirus outbreak and lashed out at foreign politicians who he accused of having “insisted on politicizing the epidemic, labeling the virus and smearing the World Organization of the Health”.

Wang Yi’s comments published by the official Xinhua news agency appeared directed at the United States, where President Donald Trump’s administration has repeatedly punished China for allegedly covering up the initial outbreak and has suspended payments to WHO for what it calls a bias favorable to China and failure to deal effectively with the pandemic.

Other countries, including Australia, have also called for an independent investigation into the origin of the pandemic, calls that China has furiously rejected.

Under the leadership of the head of state and leader of the communist party Xi Jinping, China has been able to “control the outbreak through arduous efforts and has been gradually resuming economic and social life while taking prevention and control measures on a regular basis” Wang said. Quoted Thursday in a phone call with the foreign ministers of Hungary, Estonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

China “overcame its own difficulties, offered support and assistance to relevant countries, shared experiences and prevention and control treatments without reservation, and facilitated the purchase of anti-epidemic supplies in various countries in China,” said Wang.

Attempts to politicize the pandemic and discredit the WHO are “a serious violation of international moral principles and undermine international efforts against the epidemic,” added Wang. – Xinhua
