Chinese Consumers Stuck At Home Increase Their Spending On Poker, Mahjong Sets This Lunar New Year Holiday


BEIJING (SCMP): New consumption patterns are emerging in China this Lunar New Year, as Beijing encourages people to stay put and not travel this Spring Festival holiday due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Consumers are turning to poker and mahjong again for entertainment during the festive season. These games used to dominate people’s festive agendas, when they returned home to celebrate with their families.

But over the past decade, digital advancements and rising wealth have reshaped people’s habits during this holiday, the most important of Chinese festivals. Laisee distribution among family, friends, colleagues, and employees has grown from an occasional event to a major activity during the Lunar New Year holiday week.

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Together with wealthy families’ vacations abroad, these practices have exposed the fact that traditional values ​​have been replaced by new habits amid China’s growing economic power.

However, the pandemic could reverse this trend and give a much-needed boost to consumer spending nationwide. Analysts said they expected people to spend more on entertainment and leisure in the Year of the Ox, as travel bans last year had led to revenge spending.

“The digital economy cannot fully meet people’s entertainment needs,” said Eric Han, senior manager at business advisory firm Shanghai Suolei. “It’s the person-to-person exchanges and outdoor activities that really entertain consumers.”

Cai Changlong, 46, an ad agency owner, recently bought a new mahjong set and planned to invite friends and family over the holidays from February 11-17.

“I was a victim of the coronavirus outbreak last year when the company’s sales fell, but that won’t stop me from enjoying the Lunar New Year holiday,” he said. “We need to cheer up and look forward to a happy new year.”

A Mahjong game contains 136 tiles made of various plastics, and Cai spent 500 yuan (US $ 77) on a high-end version. The father of two daughters who study in elementary school said the money spent was worth it, as the 500 yuan was nothing compared to what the family would spend on a vacation abroad.

Between January 16 and February 4 of this year, sales of poker and mahjong games doubled from last year, according to JD Daojia, the Dada Group-owned on-demand delivery platform, backed by .

The platform did not give breakout figures for games, but said that consumers had spent a lot on games and entertainment. “His big spending included not just food, but all product categories,” he said.

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