China sees increases in new Covid-19 cases


BEIJING: China reported its first double-digit increase in cases of further increases in 10 days on Sunday (May 10), saying that 14 new cases had been detected, 12 of them domestic infections and two brought from abroad.

Eleven of these internal cases occurred in northeast Jilin province and one in Hubei province, whose capital, Wuhan, is considered the epicenter of the country’s pandemic.

Jilin shares a border with North Korea, where the virus situation is unclear, but China has offered help to deal with any outbreaks to its vastly inadequate health system.

No new virus deaths have been reported in China for nearly 1 month, and the number of people being treated for Covid-19 across the country dropped to 148, with another 798 people under isolation and observation as suspected cases or testing positive. by the virus while showing no symptoms

China has reported a total of 4,633 total deaths and 82,901 cases.

The jump in new cases could fuel concerns about how quickly stringent social distancing measures are lifted and schools and other public institutions are reopened. The widely publicized photos of people socializing in the Shanghai bar district over the weekend drew some criticism online.

China last reported more than 10 cases in April, with 12, half of them imported. The reports cover the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.

After downgrading all counties in districts to a low risk of the virus, China has raised one of them, Shulan, in Jilin, after the province on Sunday after reporting a jump in cases to 11, which measures of social distancing and quarantine increased. . – Reuters
