China Releases Video Showing Simulated Attack On US Air Base


The H-6 has been involved in multiple Chinese flights around and near Taiwan. (AP Image)

BEIJING: China’s air force released a video showing nuclear-capable H-6 bombers conducting a simulated attack on what appears to be the Andersen Air Force Base on the US Pacific island of Guam, as regional tensions continue to increase.

The video, posted on Saturday’s Weibo account of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, came as China was conducting a second day of drills near Taiwan, claimed by Chinese, to express Beijing’s anger over the visit of a senior US State Department official to Taipei.

Guam is home to important US military installations, including the air base, which would be key to responding to any conflict in the Asia Pacific region.

The two-minute, 15-second video of the Chinese air force, set to solemn and dramatic music like a trailer for a Hollywood movie, shows H-6 bombers taking off from a base in the desert.

The video is called “The God of War H-6K Goes on the Attack!”

Halfway through, a pilot presses a button and drops a missile on an unnamed coastal runway.

The missile sits on the runway, a satellite image of which shows exactly like Andersen’s design, although it has no name.

The music suddenly stops as images of the shaking ground appear, followed by aerial views of an explosion.

“We are the defenders of the air security of the homeland; we have the confidence and the ability to always defend the safety of the skies of the mother country, ”wrote the PLAAF in a brief description of the video.

Neither the Chinese Defense Ministry nor the US Indo-Pacific Command immediately responded to a request for comment on the video.

The H-6 has been involved in multiple Chinese flights around and near Taiwan, according to the Taiwan air force, including those from last week.

The H-6K is the latest model of the bomber, which is based on the Soviet Tu-16 from the 1950s.
