China lowers age of criminal responsibility to 12 for ‘heinous’ crimes


SHANGHAI, December 26 (Reuters): China has lowered the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years for “heinous” crimes such as murder or injury resulting in death or serious disability by extremely cruel means. China Daily said.

The review was approved by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Saturday after a third review and will take effect from March 1. It applies to children between the ages of 12 and 14, the state-backed newspaper said.

Children in China between the ages of 14 and 16 can be held criminally responsible if they intentionally commit serious violent crimes such as murder and rape. For most other crimes, the age of criminal responsibility is 16.

Meanwhile, the CoronaVac Covid-19 vaccine developed by China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd showed efficacy between 50% and 90% in Brazilian trials, the Sao Paulo state health secretary said, and its Brazilian producer said the results Full essays will be published on January 7.

The results of the trials in Brazil are known exclusively to the biomedical research center of the Butantan Institute of the state of São Paulo, which has an agreement with Sinovac to produce the vaccine, said health secretary Jean Gorinchteyn.

The first trials showed efficacy above 50%, the minimum required by the Brazilian health regulator Anvisa, and below 90%, Gorinchteyn said in an interview with CBN radio broadcast Thursday night (December 24).

At Sinovac’s request, the São Paulo health department has not received the full results of the trial from the Chinese pharmaceutical company, he said, adding that the company will review the data before announcing the final results.

Butantan will release the results of the data test in up to 15 days, or before January 7, the institute said in a note on Friday (December 25).

The South American country has registered 7,448,560 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 190,488 deaths from Covid-19, the country’s Ministry of Health said on Friday. – Reuters
