China: Bubonic plague detected in Yunnan


BEIJING, Sept. 28 (China Daily / ANN): Menghai County in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, activated a Level 4 public health emergency response on Friday after a plague case was reported. bubonic. Xinhua News Agency reported Monday.

The case, a three-year-old boy in a remote village in the city of Xiding, was confirmed on Friday to have a glandular-type plague, according to a statement from local health authorities.

The statement said the patient had mild symptoms and was stable after treatment.

Three dead rats were found in the village, but what killed them is unknown.

The Yunnan Provincial Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Prevention and the prefectural Center for Disease Control and Prevention launched a field investigation and conducted laboratory tests.

In a preliminary assessment, health authorities said that bubonic plague had broken out in Xiding on September 21.

National and provincial experts arrived in Menghai as part of the emergency response. Teams of experts have conducted inspections, imposed quarantines and examined fever patients.

People with suspected cases are being observed and epidemiological work is progressing.

Meanwhile, a health campaign has begun to eradicate fleas and rats.

The Xiding health authorities urged the public to report any dead rats and seek immediate medical attention in case of fever.

Song Zhizhong, director of the provincial center for disease control and prevention, said there was no clear evidence of person-to-person transmission of glandular-type bubonic plague.

He added that no new suspected cases were found in the area. – China Daily / Asian News Network
