Chef Wan Braves After Mom’s Cancer Diagnosis


Chef Wan has always offered an unfiltered look at his daily life with his mother Noraini Abdullah, or as he affectionately calls her, Cik Ani, whether in good times, dancing exuberantly with relatives in their living room, or in the bad guys, sharing the realities. to care for someone with dementia.

On October 1, the celebrity chef took to Instagram with a heartbreaking update on 88-year-old Cik Ani.

“I was at Gleneagles Hospital yesterday to take my mother for a mammogram (an X-ray of the breast) to detect and diagnose her breast cancer,” the 62-year-old wrote.

“I was surprised that the doctor discovered two huge lumps and they even spread to her lymph nodes!”

Chef Wan shares that it all started a few days ago when he helped bathe his mother.

“When I would shower her every day, sometimes when I rubbed in the soap, she would tell me ‘be soft because it hurts.’ As the days passed, I wanted to know if that pain was actually the lump.

“So I asked my mother to lie down and with my three fingers I tried to locate the lump. As I pushed my finger deeper, I began to feel this huge circle of hard tissue or flesh.”

Cik Ani will undergo further tests to find out if the cancer has spread to other areas of her body.

The chef also spoke about the next steps in his mother’s cancer journey: “Given her age and the size of the tumor (s) so large, we cannot make her undergo chemotherapy or surgery.

“There is no point in doing a biopsy, as it will be very painful for her and the tumor has already grown so large. What we can do is give her medicine to try to shrink the tumor.”

Chef Wan says he was distraught when he heard the news and that he couldn’t sleep all night, but he’s determined to be brave.

“Although I am sad for my mother and my family, I really must be strong to accept this great challenge and face it to the end.

“The most important thing is that I will take care of and breastfeed my mother the best that I can. Water her with a lot of love, comfort her until her last breath.”
