Charismatic is not how Muhyiddin is often described


YOUR OPINION | ‘Does KJ really know what charisma means? Is Muhyiddin magnetic, charming or attractive?

Nobody in Umno, PAS more charismatic than Muhyiddin to be PM – Khairy

Goliath: Frankly, there is no leader capable of being prime minister of any of the parties in this backdoor coalition.

In all this fiasco from the Sheraton Movement, do you even see a leader who puts the country before race and religion, and gets the proper electoral votes to be the government?

All shoeshine to the person who will benefit them the most and Muhyiddin Yassin turns out to be the flavor of the month. That is not leadership.

Constitutional Supremacy: Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Khairy Jamaluddin, if you don’t have a better leader than Muhyiddin, then everyone should step down.

He just wants to trust a person who led the coup and trampled democracy. He has not spoken to the press or answered questions.

He has only been making statements about Covid-19 and on other occasions he has met with PAS, Umno, Bersatu and the Azmin Ali gang to consolidate power.

Hang Babeuf: Charismatic? Muhyiddin? Really!

Anyway, as the great, but very misunderstood, Max Weber, who started all this ridiculous “charisma talk” in modern political analysis, said:

“Watch out for so-called charismatic leaders! And watch out, especially aspiring charismatics!”

That warning and good advice apply here.

My opinions: You are saved by the pandemic. Muhyiddin is nothing extraordinary when it comes to (or is he avoiding?) All the other major problems.

Is there a future plan on how to recover the country’s economy? How to handle the millions of unemployed? How do you handle increasing debt?

Simply giving out money is not the way to solve the problem, although it could create a welfare situation with people. Of course, people will say that PM is good because they can get money from the government without having to work.

But you have to return the money. So, How? The only way is to increase taxes on all things, that is, who suffers? You and I.

Not only that, because the debt is huge, but it will also take generations to pay it off. That means our children and grandchildren will have to pay taxes. And that their children and grandchildren will also suffer the same fate.

Yes, we are talking about billions and billions. Not millions.

The alternative is to print more money, but that would mean that the ringgit will eventually follow the same path as the Zimbabwean currency. Do we want that?

Slumdog: According to the definition of Thesaurus, charismatic means magnetic, compelling, seductive, fascinating, captivating, charming, attractive, and enigmatic.

So according to Khairy, Muhyiddin is all of this. Really? You got to be kidding. Are you in the same league as some world leaders past or present? I do not think so.

FairMalaysian: I once wrote that if there is one person who could have “reformed” Umno, it would be Khairy, but I also said that even with his background and education (I’m not just talking about his Oxford education) he had no “balls”. when it matters. Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman had fared much better even though I think his chances are somewhat slim.

What is also true is that Umno is beyond redemption; clearly not a candidate for reform.

Do you still remember how our Johor Bahru hero Shahrir Samad bragged that it might be possible to reform Umno from the inside, but that seems like an exaggeration – he was beaten up by a rookie at GE14?

Muhyiddin has been recovering from his Sheraton Move position. You know and understand reality, but that sticker seems so difficult to dismiss. He has been a lucky fortune hunter personally, but not much can be said about his party.

PAS is not just tasting bitter medicine. Just as you gave a new lease to Umno, you also gave a new lease to DAP. All charts pointed to a sad end for DAP in the next GE.

But sometimes these politicians forget the adage that “patience is a virtue” and the seat has heated up enough for the DAP to scoff at the PAS.

PAS has already started counting the hens before the eggs hatch, which really shows the lack of political insight and wisdom. It is like the sacrificial lamb on the altar. I hope PAS learns the proverb “still water runs deep”.

Salvage Malaysia: We need a leader who will build a nation and create an economy. Charisma is a small part of the prerequisite.

And my opinion is that Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is the best candidate for PM we’ve ever had. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is smart, but all his life, his style of politics is too toxic.

Malaysia is regressing more and more in terms of quality of education, racial unity, economic progress, happiness index, quality of life, etc. etc. Political leaders are leading us to cleanliness.

Citizen 5354: If you Google the 10 most charismatic leaders right now, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, comes out first.

Malaysia does not need a charismatic leader. We need someone who has integrity, who is not corrupt and who says that he is Malaysian first and not a single race first.

Dizzer: Does KJ really know what charisma means? Is Muhyiddin magnetic, charming or attractive?

I know Umno sets a very low bar for talent, but come on, Muhyiddin is charismatic in the same way that Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, Najib Abdul Razak or Isa Samad are handsome.

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