Charisma isn’t everything in top post, Umno man tells KJ


Khairy Jamaluddin (left) praised Muhyiddin Yassin’s charisma after a Merdeka Center poll showed the prime minister’s approval rating at 69%. (Photo by Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: Several political leaders have downplayed charisma talks as a factor in the choice of prime minister, which had recently been mentioned by former youth wing leader Khairy Jamaluddin.

Razlan Rafii, a member of the Supreme Council, said that charisma is subjective, while PAS Youth Chief Khairil Nizam Khirudin said that the prime minister’s position was covered by the PAS, Umno and PPBM agreement.

Khairy had been quoted in a news report yesterday as saying that no one at Umno or PPBM could surpass Muhyiddin Yassin’s charisma as prime minister, following an opinion poll that showed a 69% approval rating for Muhyiddin among the public.

Razlan Rafii.

However, Razlan told FMT that Khairy was simply giving a personal vision, based on his perception, and that it was a vision that was temporary. “New lords, new laws,” Razlan said.

Razlan said that within Umno, members appreciated the magnanimity of Umno’s president, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, in refusing to take a Cabinet position in light of the court cases that had been brought against him.

“This does not mean that he is not in a position to fill a position. In fact, Zahid’s attitude is one that all Malaysian leaders should follow. Be magnanimous and prioritize the party, ”Razlan said.

He also advised members of Umno to refrain from causing controversy and politicking among themselves. “Now that Muhyiddin Yassin is prime minister, there is no need to think about who will succeed him. If we win big (in the next election), we will discuss it. “

Mohamed Khaled Nordin.

Umno’s vice-president, Mohamed Khaled Nordin, also considered Khairy’s comment to be his personal opinion and not one that reflected Umno’s position.

PAS Youth Chief Khairil Nizam said that Khairy did not participate in the discussions between the Muafakat Nasional leaders and only expressed a personal opinion. Khairil said that the prime minister’s position should not be a matter of controversy and that all parties in Perikatan Nasional should focus on ensuring that the coalition wins victory in the next general election.

Annuar Musa |

Barisan Nasional General Secretary Annuar Musa said in a tweet that Umno had many leaders with the capacity to fill any function or position, including that of prime minister.

“But Umno must be pragmatic in our cooperation and share power as long as the goals of the struggle for race, religion and country are achieved. God willing, with the support of the people, there will be a Prime Minister of Umno ”.
