
NASA Receives 12 Webby Award Nominations for 2020

[ad_1] You can cast your vote until May 7 for this year’s nominees, which include six JPL websites and social media efforts. The Rolling Stones on Mars, the reactions of the astronauts for their GIF and Moon Tunes collection: NASA social media and websites spanned the virtual universe in 2020, …

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The largest ozone hole over the Arctic suddenly closed

[ad_1] In a bizarre fact, the largest hole in the ozone layer ever recorded over the Arctic suddenly closed a few weeks after scientists announced its existence. According to details, the unusually large hole in the ozone layer formed earlier this year and peaked in March, about 11 miles above …

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Astronomers find a long-term gas giant around Kepler-88 | Astronomy

[ad_1] Using the Echelle High Resolution Spectrometer Instrument (HIRES) on the Keck I 10m Telescope at W.M. Keck Observatory, astronomers have discovered a giant planet in the Kepler-88 system. An artistic illustration of the Kepler-88 planetary system. Image credit: Adam Makarenko / W.M. Keck Observatory. Kepler-88, also known as KOI-142, …

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