
Dewan Rakyat sitting on the Covid-19 ‘time bomb’

[ad_1] Dewan Rakyat sitting on the Covid-19 ‘time bomb’ Updated 3 hours ago · Published on 23 Oct 2020 13:30 · Health officials conducting mass testing in Petaling Jaya today. Selangor is the most densely populated state in the country and there are fears that Covid-19 groups will grow there. …

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As Malaysia’s cabinet meets, speculation mounts that an emergency may be declared to avoid quick polls amid the Covid-19 pandemic, SE Asia News & Top Stories

[ad_1] KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysia’s cabinet has been locked in a special meeting since Friday (October 23) morning, with government leaders discussing proposals to ensure that the next budget session in Parliament does not result in snap elections amid from the resurgent wave of coronavirus infections. Sources with knowledge of …

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AG Correctly Used Discretion in Khairuddin Case, Lawyer Says

[ad_1] Attorney General Idrus Harun has said that the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Khairuddin Aman Razali, did not receive a house surveillance order upon his return from Turkey. PETALING JAYA: A lawyer has defended Attorney General Idrus Harun’s decision to refuse to prosecute Minister of Plantations and Commodity …

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Hiding data on Covid-19 hotspots is shocking

[ad_1] The government’s consistency in being inconsistent in handling the Covid-19 virus is appalling. The latest decision not to name the establishments where the virus has been detected has turned into another insufferably conceited moment. People have the right to know which restaurants, condominiums, schools or shopping centers have been …

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Chronicle of Malaysia

[ad_1] The IMF has painted a bleaker picture for Asia. On Wednesday (October 21), the International Monetary Fund revealed that Asia’s economic contraction this year will be worse than previously thought. In its latest Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Outlook report, the IMF predicts that the region’s economy shrink by 2.two%, worse …

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South Korean Deaths Raise Fears About Flu Vaccine Safety

[ad_1] SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korean authorities on Thursday refused to suspend the country’s seasonal flu vaccination program, despite growing calls to do so following the deaths of at least 13 people who were vaccinated in recent days. Health authorities said they have found no direct links between the deaths, …

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