
Be reasonable, fight the Covid-19 pandemic with a rational, scientific and constitutional approach, says Tok Mat

[ad_1] PETALANDO JAYA: The Covid-19 pandemic must be addressed without undermining the Federal Constitution and functional democracy, says Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan (Photo). The vice president of Umno called on the government to remain focused on addressing the crisis in accordance with the Federal Constitution and improve initiatives to educate …

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Nine members of tabligh come home from India

[ad_1] PUTRAJAYA: Nine tabligh members arrived in the country from India yesterday via Air India Express flight, said Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar. He said that two of them departed from New Delhi and arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at 3.30pm, while the other seven boarded the …

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The Covid-19 vaccine is expected to be insured in the first quarter of next year; The avant-garde will be prioritized.

[ad_1] PUTRAJAYA: The government is expected to ensure access to Covid-19 vaccines in the first quarter of next year, prioritizing the front-line ones, the government says. The Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti), in a joint statement, said that so far the government …

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