
Billionaire couple behind historic coronavirus vaccine

[ad_1] A powerful scientific couple is the driving force behind Pfizer’s new coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Ugur Sahin is the CEO and Dr. Özlem Türeci the Medical Director of BioNTech, the company that created the vaccine in partnership with Pfizer. Business Insider delved into who they are and how they have …

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Trump skips the Asean summit | The star

[ad_1] US President Donald Trump has skipped a virtual summit with his Southeast Asian counterparts, the third year in a row the US has been represented at a lower level. National security adviser Robert O’Brien said Trump regretted not being able to attend the online summit with the 10-member ASEAN …

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RCEP finally signed after 8 years of negotiations

[ad_1] Prime Minister Muhyddin Yassin (left) and Azmin at the signing of the free trade agreement after today’s virtual 4th RCEP Summit. (Photo by Bernama) KUALA LUMPUR: The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement was finally signed today after going through 31 rounds of negotiations over the past eight years. …

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