Catch Drivers, Courier Complaints Get Muhyiddin’s Attention


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): The complaints from the Grab drivers and delivery men have caught the attention of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as he met a group of them today at the Grab Driver Center in Petaling Jaya, near here , to hear your problems.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday (November 24), the prime minister said that he would discuss with relevant ministries on various issues raised by Grab drivers and delivery men in relation to the difficulty in obtaining government loans and assistance, such as the gasoline subsidy.

He said that most of them raised concerns about the Temporary Driver’s License (LPS) regulation and guidelines on food, beverage and package delivery service, or p-hailing, that the Ministry of Transportation (MOT) allegedly planned to introduce soon.

“I will ask MOT to review this matter as soon as possible,” he said.

Describing this group as not celebrated avant-garde, Muhyiddin said he was proud of the spirit and dedication they showed in making a living and supporting his family’s life, especially when the country is dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The prime minister appreciated the great contributions of the Grab drivers and delivery men to help generate the country’s economy.

Muhyiddin said they were not only making a living, but also helping to expand the economic chain of merchants.

“Hearing their complaints, I realized that most of them are waiting for opportunities to get better and more stable jobs. However, they did not sit idle; they became Grab drivers / passengers to at least help support their families.

“Some of them work more than eight hours a day. Many also became full-time drivers or passengers after losing their regular jobs,” he said.

The prime minister said they used to earn between RM4,000 and RM5,000 a month before the Covid-19 outbreak, but now they could only earn RM2,000 to RM2,500 per month or even less depending on the frequency of their excursions.

“Today, if they can get RM 100 a day, they can smile, but if they get RM 150 a day, they can afford a big smile,” he added.

Muhyiddin said she also had the opportunity to meet a Disabled Persons (OKU) couple, Siti Fatimah and her husband Nijaz Nathan Vellasamy, who did not let their disability prevent them from earning a living.

Muhyiddin said he was hinted that there are more than 200 OKU drivers operating the Grab service.

“They asked the government to support OKU drivers by simplifying the terms for obtaining the Public Service Vehicle (PSV) license, which is said to be very strict, and allowing them to work like other electronic call drivers,” he said .

Muhyiddin advised drivers and delivery men to take care of their own safety while doing their jobs and not to give up easily when faced with challenges. – Bernama
