Can Harapan overcome the toxic politics of race and religion?


YOUR OPINION | ‘Umno-PAS had gone to the city to falsely claim that Harapan was under the control of the DAP …’

COMMENT | The three ‘traitors’

EM: Fans of the mendacious former prime minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who continue to push the idea that Pakatan Harapan would not have succeeded in 2018 had it not been for the support of the old coot, will not accept the possibility that there may have been been the other way around.

Seeing the unprecedented surge of discontent against the kleptocrats, it was Mahathir and Bersatu President Muhyiddin Yassin who hooked up their fledgling Bersatu wagon to the combined opposition power of PKR, DAP and Amanah for free travel to Putrajaya.

This speaks to Mahathir’s ability to hypnotize and manipulate the people around him, as well as the astonishing credulity of his former associates who did not have the foresight to turn him into anything more than a nominal leader.

But putting that aside, I think there is no point in continuing to insist on the treacherous trio, which is actually no different from denouncing the rain for being wet.

It is in the nature of those who have been weaned from toxic racism and the mendacity of Um not to be selfish first and last, to use and discard, betray and undermine. Expecting anyone who comes out of that cauldron of deceptions and traps to be honorable is simply naive.

The convicted criminal, former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, born and raised within the party, is a true representative of all that is Umno. Scratch the surface of any member of Umno and you’ll find a budding Najib waiting his turn.

So the problem of the aborted Harapan is really a problem for the rest of those who made up that coalition of convenience: their wrong deference to age (which the old idiot fully exploited), their misplaced loyalty to a mythical common cause, their fear paralyzing. of shaking the boat even when it came to issues like the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Seafield Fracas, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) and the controversial preacher Zakir Naik.

Most of all, it was his inability to frequently take stock of events as they unfolded and nip the real threat of betrayal in the bud.

It is not that they did not privately notice the discontent of those who voted for them, it is not that they did not feel the conspiracy that was underway with the deliberate obfuscation of Mahathir’s succession, his confrontation of the former vice president of the PKR, Azmin Ali, against his then party . chief Anwar Ibrahim, and his refusal to publicly rebuke the DAP’s Najib-led Malaysian critics as he is doing now.

No. They bit their tongues and sat on his hands because they were reveling in their new ministerial positions and, to a lesser extent, they weren’t sure what would happen if they confronted the main manipulator with their concerns.

In short, they preferred to be docile toys in the hands of an obviously dishonest and divisive “captain” whose record of manipulating people and events for three decades is not really a secret at all.

So while hitting the stuffed effigies of the three provides some degree of relief, it does nothing to address the real problem in Malaysian politics: the lack of men and women of honor and integrity, of those who will put the country first. place and that they will do it voluntarily. sacrifice in the process of rebuilding a shattered country.

OrangePanther1466: The toxic racial atmosphere promoted by Umno and PAS does not help to introduce reforms.

Just look at the simple matter of ratifying the Rome Statute and Icerd. They were signed during the BN government, but the simple act of ratifying them became a meeting point for the ultras in their demonstrations. Don’t tell me Harapan didn’t explain the problems. The Umno-PAS rioters were simply willing to create trouble for Harapan.

The Umno-PAS tag team went to the city to falsely claim that Mahathir and the Harapan government were under the control of the DAP, which is nonsense, but their fan base reveled in the allegations.

Its leaders were brazen to the point of saying illogical things like: “It is better to be ruled by a corrupt Muslim than a non-Muslim”, “Non-Muslims should not hold policy-making positions in government” and “It is okay to steal. as long as you don’t get caught. ”

All of these statements were intended to degrade non-Malays and destabilize the Harapan federal government. However, now we have writer P Gunasegaram blaming Mahathir for not following through with the reforms.

The entire political landscape must be restarted for this country to move forward. We need more people like former youth and sports minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, lawyer Siti Kasim and even PKR vice president Tian Chua to redevelop the grounds.

By the way, I think Gunasegaram is being disrespectful to Syed Saddiq by referring to him as “minister boy”. Syed Saddiq has done relatively well in his short stint in politics.

Vice President Biden: The truth told again for the umpteenth time. However, the future battle is the next general election. Had the founding parties of Harapan, PKR, DAP and Amanah learned the lessons?

Twenty years of camaraderie broken by a well-known chameleon. Harapan is in a good position not to be dictated by small parties, be they Borneo, a fragmented party splintered from a traitor and the “child minister” (Syed Saddiq).

Harapan’s own manifesto is a good starting point to see if these “king makers,” as they like to call themselves, deserve to be part of a coalition and to be trusted. Currently, it is a resounding no.

The “child minister” forgets that the PKR and the DAP are multiracial parties with prominent young politicians among them. Something’s off when it comes to him copied multiracial youth platform. Be cautious!

Quigonbond: I agree with everything except the poor decision to bring Bersatu into the Harapan coalition and play Mahathir PM.

Yes, that was the agreement. There is honor in Harapan, therefore, they abide by what was agreed. The only mistake was being fooled by Mahathir and Bersatu.

I just wish that Malaysians see Harapan as people who can really make reforms, bring technocrats to the government to better govern the country.

If they can see through the smog thrown at them by the daily cries of “Malay first” or “Muslim first”, then Malaysia can move on. Now, we are a joke to the world.

YOURS | The blame also falls on those in Harapan who unleashed Dr. M

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