Bung Moktar wants to speed up Pan Borneo Highway in Sabah


KOTA KINABALU: Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin wants the Pan Borneo Highway project in Sabah to get back on track so that its completion can be accelerated.

The state’s newly appointed Minister of Public Works said it was absurd that Sabah’s part was still behind compared to Sarawak when the mega-project was launched in both states around the same time.

“Sarawak has already reached 50%, Sabah only between 18% and 20% (of completion).

“It doesn’t make sense why Sarawak can and Sabah can’t, so I’ll go through the details of this matter to make sure the road project here is moving just as quickly and to make sure people here enjoy good road connections like in other states. ” he told reporters after checking in on his first day at the ministry’s office on Wednesday (September 30).

When asked about changing the name of the ministry, as it was previously known as the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Bung Moktar said that this is something they would discuss further as it was what Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Mohd announced. Noor.

“This is my first day here at the Public Works office and the deputy permanent assistant secretary of the ministry (Helena Masli) has briefed me on the affairs of the ministry.

“The other relevant agencies will inform me at a later date. But I am aware that the ministry will focus on restructuring the existing programs and budgets that we have under the 12th Malaysia Plan, ”he added.

Bung Moktar said that road infrastructure and drinking water supply, which are still a problem in Sabah, would be its main mission.

“Over the years, I have received information about these problems, and the provision of treated water throughout Sabah and the improvement of existing roads is one of the (promises listed in the) manifesto of Gabungan Rakyat Sabah.

“Hopefully in these five years (during my tenure) we can address that problem in the districts facing water supply problems. People deserve these basic infrastructures, ”he said, adding that they will consider other programs based on priorities.

When asked what they plan to do about the controversial Papar dam proposal, he said he has not yet received a report from the state Water Department.
