Bukit Aman summons the DAP deputy on the Sosma forum


Selangor’s DAP legislator was one of the speakers at the Sosma forum in November last year.

PETALING JAYA: Klang MP Charles Santiago has been summoned by the police to give a statement in Bukit Aman tomorrow at 10.45 am.

The FMT understands that Santiago has been summoned to record a statement about a forum on the 2012 Law on Security Crimes (Special Measures), or Sosma.

The forum, organized by Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), took place on November 25 last year.

It came after the arrest of 12 men in October 2019 who were detained under Sosma for alleged links to the late Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

The forum was part of Suaram’s push for the repeal of Sosma, which allows detention without trial. Santiago was one of the speakers at the forum.

It was previously reported that Bukit Aman had called Suaram CEO Sevan Doraisamy in the same forum. He was interrogated for about an hour by the Classified Criminal Investigation Unit.

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