Bukit Aman: 134 Police Reports Received About Thomas’s Book


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): The police opened three investigative documents related to the contents of the former Attorney General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas’ book “My Story: Justice in the Desert”, which allegedly defames and insults various parties.

Bukit Aman CID Director Datuk Huzir Mohamed said that so far, the police had received 134 reports across the country about the matter.

He said the investigation was conducted by the Bukit Aman Classified Criminal Investigation Unit and would be done in detail before anyone, including Thomas, is called in to record his statement.

“One of the open investigation documents complies with Section 500 of the Penal Code for defamation and another investigation document is opened pursuant to (leaked information) and Section 8 of the Official Secrets Act of 1972.

“The third investigative document was opened in accordance with Section 4 (1) of the Sedition Act of 1948 (acts that tend to incite),” he said when contacted on Sunday (February 7).

Among those who filed police complaints against Thomas were former Attorney General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali and former Attorney General III Datuk Mohamad Hanafiah Zakaria.
