Budget allocations for 11 ministries approved at committee level


KUALA LUMPUR: After the approval of the 2021 Budget at the policy level, the allocation for 11 ministries was approved at the committee level in the fifth week of the Dewan Rakyat session after being debated, finalized and through a majority and block voting process .

There are MPs who described it as an 11-0 victory for the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, after the 2021 budget allocation for the 11 ministries debated this week was approved at committee level, four of them through a block voting process.

On Monday, the Supply Bill or Budget 2021 for the Prime Minister’s Department was passed at the committee level through a block voting process in which 105 MPs voted in favor of the bill, while 95 voted. against and 20 were absent.

The allocation for the Ministry of Finance (MOF) was also approved, by block vote, in that day’s session after 106 deputies voted in favor, 95 against and 18 absent.

The other two ministries whose allocations were approved at the committee level, through a block voting process, were the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (108 deputies voted in favor; 95 voted against and seven absent) and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (110 in favor; 104 against and six absent).

Meanwhile, assignments for seven others, namely the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of National Unity; Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries; Ministry of Rural Development; Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources; The Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Affairs, as well as the Ministry of Business Development and Cooperatives, were approved by majority vote.

Budget allocations for 11 more ministries are scheduled to be discussed and approved at the committee level in next week’s session.

Among those expected to attract the attention of legislators is the allocation for the Ministry of Health, to be debated on Wednesday (December 9), which has been one of the main focuses of the 2021 Budget, to address the Covid-19 pandemic. .

Apart from that, the allocation for the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia on Thursday (December 10) is also expected to be hotly debated due to the allocation for the Department of Special Affairs (JASA) which has become a dispute between the deputies.

However, the government agreed to change the name of JASA as the Department of Community Communications (J-KOM) with different roles and functions.

Also in this week’s session, Tasek Gelugor’s MP Datuk Shabudin Yahya’s mistake in counting the bloc’s votes to pass the MOF budget has sparked a war of words among lawmakers.

Shabudin (Bersatu-Tasek Gelugor), responsible for counting the votes of MPs in block C, had miscounted the votes after pointing out Padang Rengas MP Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz as in favor of the budget, although the latter was absent during the block vote on Tuesday (December 1).

However, the error, revealed to MPs through a spokesman announcement read by Vice President Datuk Mohd Rashid Hasnon after Question Time, did not change the outcome of the bloc’s vote.

Dewan Rakyat’s session that day also did not start smoothly when the fire alarm went off, interrupting the session for about 15 minutes, prompting MPs and staff to be ordered out of the Parliament building as a security measure. .

Then the Parliament Security Division carried out the necessary inspection and found nothing abnormal.Called
