Budget 2021: Tourism workers should seek work in other industries, says MATTA


Tourism workers should consider seeking employment in other industries, said Malaysian Association of Travel and Tourism Agents (Matta) president Datuk Tan Kok Liang.

Tan was commenting on the lack of assistance provided to the travel sector, which has been devastated by Covid-19, in the 2021 Budget.

“We urge affected employees to seek employment in other industries under the employment and skills upgrade initiatives as proposed in the budget,” he said. The star.

Tan said the 2021 Budget did not provide robust initiatives to protect tourism jobs and businesses.

“The budget has failed to meet the needs of tourism businesses, particularly SMEs, and it does not address the key issue of job protection.

“The wage subsidy programs should have been improved to avoid continued layoffs and the loan moratorium should be extended until June 2021 for tourism businesses,” he said.

Tan added that the Budget does not include any incentive to boost domestic tourism and is inadequate to empower the tourism industry during these challenging times of pandemic.

“The future outlook for the next 12 months is bleak and without adequate support, we will inevitably see the industry shrink rapidly and dramatically.

“The Budget has failed to address the fundamental needs of the industry and we urge the government to reevaluate support for the tourism industry in order to harness the industry’s potential to generate jobs and growth and continue to contribute to the economy,” he said . .
