Boeing pilots ‘improperly trained’ in 737 MAX tests


WASHINGTON: Boeing officials “improperly trained” test pilots during recertification efforts after two fatal 737 MAX crashes killed 346 people, according to a lengthy congressional report released Friday.

The Republican Senate Commerce Committee staff report said this year’s testing of a key safety system known as MCAS linked to both fatal crashes was contrary to proper protocol.

The committee concluded that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Boeing officials “had established a predetermined result to reaffirm a long-standing human factor assumption related to pilot reaction time … It seems, in this case, that the FAA and Boeing were trying to cover up important information that may have contributed to the 737 MAX tragedies. “

The report cites a whistleblower who alleges that Boeing officials encouraged test pilots to “remember, get right on that switch” before the exercise that resulted in a pilot reaction in about four seconds, while another pilot in a Separate test reacted in approximately 16 seconds.

The account was corroborated during an interview with FAA personnel, the committee added.

Numerous reports have found that Boeing did not adequately consider how pilots respond to cabin emergencies in its development of the 737 MAX.

Boeing said Friday it takes the committee’s findings “seriously and will continue to review the report in its entirety.”

Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Roger Wicker said the report “details a number of significant examples of failures in aviation security oversight and failed leadership at the FAA.”

The committee also said that “several independent whistleblowers contacted the committee to allege that FAA senior management was complicit in determining the 737 MAX’s level of training certification prior to any evaluation.”

Boeing resisted requiring simulator training for pilots before operating the 737 MAX, but changed course in January.

The report also noted that Southwest Airlines was able to operate more than 150,000 flights carrying 17.2 million passengers on jets without confirmation that required maintenance had been completed.

The Senate report said the Southwest flights “put millions of passengers at potential risk.” Southwest did not immediately comment.

Boeing still faces an ongoing criminal investigation into the MAX. The committee said its review was “limited due to the ongoing criminal investigation.”

Last month, the FAA approved the return to service of the 737 MAX and flights resumed in Brazil. The first commercial flight of the US 737 MAX with paying passengers is scheduled for December 29.

Last month, the Senate committee unanimously approved a bill to reform the way the FAA certifies new aircraft and provides new protections to whistleblowers, among other reforms, while the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed. a similar bill.

– Reuters
