BN Pitas Candidate Reports Positive Covid-19 Test


SABAH SURVEYS | BN’s candidate for Pitas, Sufian Abd Karim, tested positive for Covid-19.

Despite this, he called on party supporters to keep their spirits high during Sabah’s state elections and apologized for any inconvenience caused by his infection with the novel coronavirus.

“I, Sufian Abd Karim, the BN candidate for N03 Pitas, just got the Covid-19 test result and it has been confirmed to be positive.

“Apologies for all the difficulties. May it not break our spirits in this fight,” he said today in a Facebook post.

Sufian continued to urge all those who had close contact with him to get tested.

Read more: Who’s Who is Sabah 2020 Pick

He also apologized to all the voters, staff, party machinery, friends and family who helped him during the campaign period.

“Pray that I will be given the strength to face this challenge and receive immediate healing,” he added.

Aside from Sufian, Umno high councilor Mohd Razlan Rafii and party chief information officer Shahril Hamdan also tested positive for Covid-19 after a recent campaign in Sabah.

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