BN open to accepting other parties, says Mohamad Hasan


Barisan Nasional Vice President Mohamad Hasan said the coalition must be inclusive. (Photo by Bernama)

NILAI: Barisan Nasional (BN) is open to accept any party that wishes to join the coalition but with the consensus of the four parties that compose it, said its vice president Mohamad Hasan.

The four members are Umno, MIC, MCA and Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS).

“We must be inclusive and not exclusive anymore. So if you ask me for my personal opinion, the more parties that are under the BN umbrella, the better because each has its own strength. Combined, they will provide additional synergy.

“This is what we have to do for BN to build new forces because we lost in the 14th general election (GE14).

“Whatever BN stands for and its policies, there must be a review so that its two goals, which are to strengthen the coalition and develop strategies to win in GE15, can be realized,” he said after opening the 12th annual edition of Makkal Sakti Malaysia started. General meeting.

Commenting on Makkal Sakthi’s chairman RS Thanenthiran’s request that the party contest a BN ballot in three parliamentary and seven state seats in GE15, Mohamad said this should be considered as the party had been a loyal friend of BN even though his status was not that great. of a component.

“Makkal Sakti is a partner of BN and not a component, but it should be noted because he has helped BN for a long time, when it was part of the government or not.

“There are other partners who have affirmed the same. I am of the opinion that if there are more games with BN, the more inclusive it will be. I leave this matter to the wisdom of top management, ”he said.
