Bintulu MP apologizes for ‘DG is afraid to die’ comment about DG Health


Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing

KUCHING (November 15): Bintulu MP Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing apologized for his recent “DG takut mati” (fear of death) insult directed at the Director General of the Department of Health, Tan Sri, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, debating Supply Bill 2021 in Parliament recently.

“To ensure that the Dewan Rakyat procedures can be carried out smoothly and in the interest and harmony of the country, I would like to apologize if I went too far in debating the country’s 2021 budget,” Tiong said in a statement today.

“It was never my intention to deny all the sacrifices made by physicians, nurses, and other leaders, including Chief Health Officer Dr. Noor Hisham.”

Tiong stated that his intention was only to ensure that the Covid-19 situation in the country could be better managed.

“I was just debating the issue of Covid-19 so that the matter can be handled more effectively. I do not want my actions to affect all the proceedings of the august Chamber, ”he said.

Last Wednesday, while debating the country’s budget for next year, Tiong commented that Dr. Noor Hisham was “scared to death” for not going to Sabah to personally monitor the handling of the Covid-19 outbreak there.

He also accused Dr. Noor Hisham of seeking publicity in his daily health reports, saying that Noor Hisham should go to the ground with the Covid-19 situation in Sabah getting worse.

Following public outcry over his comment, Tiong had previously stated that his comments were only “a reflection of the frustrations of leaders facing the challenges of the Covid-19 virus pandemic” and that he had no intention of maliciously targeting Dr. Noor Hisham.

Last Friday, Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) demanded Tiong, who is the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party (PDP), to publicly apologize to Dr. Noor Hisham or he will be fired by the Prime Minister as a special envoy to the People’s Republic China.
