Billionaire couple behind historic coronavirus vaccine


  • A powerful scientific couple is the driving force behind Pfizer’s new coronavirus vaccine.
  • Dr. Ugur Sahin is the CEO and Dr. Özlem Türeci the Medical Director of BioNTech, the company that created the vaccine in partnership with Pfizer.
  • Business Insider delved into who they are and how they have made their mark on modern medicine.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

Pfizer’s new coronavirus vaccine, which is at least 90% effective in early trials, made history as the fastest vaccine ever developed.

The vaccine was developed in association with the German company BioNTech, a company co-founded by a Turkish-German couple who became a billionaire months ago when the deal with Pfizer was announced. But after this week, CEO Dr. Ugur Sahin and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Özlem Türeci saw their joint fortunes skyrocket.

The vaccine power couple met while working at a university hospital in southwestern Germany; both are German citizens of Turkish origin (Sahin moved with her family to Germany when she was 4 years old).

Sahin is the son of car factory workers and developed his love of science and research by reading science books. Türeci grew up watching his surgeon father operate on patients.

Business Insider delved into the couple that can help us get to the other side of this pandemic.

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