Biden leads unchanged by nine points after chaotic presidential debate – Reuters / Ipsos poll


NEW YORK (Reuters) – Democrat Joe Biden holds a 9-point lead over President Donald Trump after his combative first debate, according to a Reuters / Ipsos poll showing that a majority of Americans have made up their minds about his choice to president just over a month before the month of November. .3 choice.

The most recent poll, conducted Tuesday through Thursday, found that 50% of likely voters backed Biden, while 41% said they were voting for Trump. Four percent said they were voting for a third party candidate, and 5% were unsure.

Biden has held the same 9-point lead in six of the last seven national polls dating back to early September.

The poll indicates that Biden remains one of the first favorites to win the national popular vote. However, to win the election, a candidate must prevail in enough states to win the Electoral College, and state polls show that Trump is almost as popular as Biden in many battle states.

Biden has led Trump in most national polls throughout the year, and his lead among likely voters has not changed despite a number of developments with the potential to shake up the presidential race.

The former vice president’s lead remained the same after the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last month gave Trump a chance to nominate her successor and solidify the conservative majority of the party. cut. Biden’s margin also didn’t change after the New York Times reported over the weekend that Trump frequently failed to pay federal income taxes in the 15 years leading up to his presidency.

Tuesday’s rebellious presidential debate in which Trump repeatedly interrupted Biden and the moderator and questioned his rival’s intelligence, while Biden called the president a racist and a liar, also did not move the needle.

Eighty-seven percent of likely voters said they were now “completely sure” about their election for president, according to the poll. Only about 13%, including 10% of likely Democratic voters and 15% of likely Republican voters, appeared to waver in their choice.

Among those expected to vote in the upcoming election, 51% said they planned to vote before the election, either by mail or in person at early voting locations, and 6% said they had already voted.

The Reuters / Ipsos public opinion poll was conducted online, in English, across the United States. It collected responses from 1,314 American adults, including 830 likely voters. It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of approximately 4 percentage points.

Click here for the full survey results:

(Reporting by Chris Kahn; Editing by Peter Cooney)
