Biden in 238 electoral votes, Trump in 213 as the polls close


Voters wait in line outside a polling place on Election Day in Kenosha, Wisconsin. (AP Image)

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are fighting for the White House, with the polls closed in the US and the American people awaiting results on key battlefields still at stake.

As it stands, there are still seven uncalled states left, including major awards like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, which means both Trump and Biden still have a path to victory.

The American media has projected victories for the Republican incumbent in 23 states, including the Florida and Texas Grand Prix, as well as Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Ohio, all of the states he won in 2016.

Biden has captured 20 states, including his home state, Delaware, and Grand Prix, California and New York, as well as the US capital.

The former vice president has changed a state won by Trump in 2016: Arizona, in the Southwest.

Nebraska divided its electoral votes between the two: four for Trump and one for Biden.

Maine was won by Biden, but so far, it only has three of the four electoral votes on offer, with the last one yet to be decided.

So far, that gives Biden 238 electoral votes and Trump 213.

The magic number of electoral votes is 270.

The following is a list of the states won by each candidate and the corresponding number of electoral votes, based on projections from the American media, including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC / NBC News, ABC, CBS, and The New York Times.

In the case of Arizona, AFP used the projection made by the Associated Press.

Triumph (213)

Alabama (9)

Arkansas (6)

Florida (29)

Idaho (4)

Indiana (11)

Iowa (6)

Kansas (6)

Kentucky (8)

Louisiana (8)

Mississippi (6)

Missouri (10)

Montana (3)

Nebraska (4) *

North Dakota (3)

Ohio (18)

Oklahoma (7)

South Carolina (9)

South Dakota (3)

Tennessee (11)

Texas (38)

Utah (6)

West Virginia (5)

Wyoming (3)

Biden (238)

Arizona (11)

California (55)

Colorado (9)

Connecticut (7)

Delaware (3)

District of Columbia (3)

Hawaii (4)

Illinois (20)

Maine (3) **

Maryland (10)

Massachusetts (11)

Minnesota (10)

Nebraska (1) *

New Hampshire (4)

New Jersey (14)

New Mexico (5)

New York (29)

Oregon (7)

Rhode Island (4)

Vermont (3)

Virginia (13)

Washington (12)

States not yet called





North Carolina



* Nebraska divides its five electoral votes: two electors are assigned based on the plurality of votes in the state, and the other three are awarded based on the congressional district. Biden took a vote, in the second congressional district.

** Maine has a similar method to Nebraska. Of his four electoral votes, three have been projected for Biden, while the fourth is pending.
