‘Beware of snatched thieves’ | The star


The public must exercise caution when away from home, especially at street intersections and in busy commercial areas, to avoid becoming a victim of crime of opportunity.

“Try to avoid using cell phones when walking on busy roads, make sure your bags are safe, and be aware of your surroundings when you are out.

“Be careful and take extra care with motorcyclists,” said Petaling Jaya OCPD Assistant Commissioner Nik Ezanee Mohd Faisal.

He said there had been a slight increase in crime cases in the old town of Petaling Jaya, including three robbery incidents. All three offenders were caught.

“There are 200 policemen patrolling Petaling Jaya 24 hours a day. But we still need the cooperation and awareness of the public so that they are not victims, ”he said.

He added that there is a possible link between job losses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and crime, such as theft, pickpockets and general theft.

ACP Nik Ezanee said this after witnessing a safety awareness campaign organized by the Petaling Jaya Zone 16 Resident Representative Council (MPP) and the Bukit Gasing Community Development Association (PKKBG).

The campaign, which started yesterday in the old town of Petaling Jaya, was the second such event after a similar one in August last year.

“We used to have regular neighborhood patrols twice a week, but we had to stop that due to standard operating procedures during the motion control order,” said outgoing PKKBG President and Section 1B President Rukun Tetangga Kok Kuan Yong .

Kok said they would continue the campaign to hang banners and flags in prominent places to remind people to be aware of their surroundings and to prevent theft.

“The campaign is an initiative of the resident groups under the MPP of Zone 16, specifically in Section 1, Section 1A and Section 18,” said Petaling Jaya City Councilor Terence Tan, whose office assigned RM2, 000 for campaign materials.

“The 50 printed flags and six banners will be placed at access points around PJ Old Town, such as the commercial area, the market and the railway line.

“The idea was proposed by resident groups and has been effective in raising public awareness and as a reminder,” he said.

Volunteers from Zone 16 MPP and PKKBG will hang up the banners and posters during the week.

Bukit Gasing Assemblyman Rajiv Rishyakaran thanked the Zone 16 MPP and PKKBG for their efforts in organizing the public safety awareness campaign.

“The PJ Old Town market opens at 6 am and the area is still dark, so there is concern that theft could occur.

“The flag will also be hung near the train station as there is a lot of traffic there,” he said.
