Be transparent about the Covax vaccine plan, urged the government


PETALING JAYAWhile the Malaysian Health Coalition (MHC) applauded the decision to join the international Covid-19 vaccine scheme (Covax), it urged the government to be more transparent by revealing its next steps after acquiring the vaccines for Malaysians.

In a statement yesterday, MHC said that the government should disclose the criteria for selecting which category of citizens would be the first to receive vaccines, as the Covax facility would supply sufficient doses for only 20% of Malaysia’s population in the first phase.

He said the criteria must be transparent, inclusive and non-paternalistic to achieve justice and equality, and protect all Malaysian residents.

He also said the government should start discussing the vaccination plan for non-citizen residents.

“No one can be left out when the Covid-19 vaccine is administered, as a pandemic somewhere is a pandemic everywhere.”

MHC also suggested that the government prepare the mass vaccination program early to gain the public’s trust.

“Malaysian regulatory agencies must prepare for a robust but accelerated review of the vaccine when it is ready and public communications for the confidence of the vaccine must be effective in an era of misinformation, misinformation and anti-vaccines,” he said.

“Furthermore, the mass Covid-19 vaccination program must not affect other vaccination programs (such as polio or HPV) and must be financed in a sustainable manner.”

MHC said the country should actively participate in global discussions and not rely solely on the national public health system.

“Now that we have announced our plans to acquire the Covid-19 vaccine, we need plans to implement them in a safe and equitable way that inspires the confidence of the population.

“Malaysia must increase transparency, prepare our vaccine infrastructure and strengthen our voice globally,” he said.

On September 19, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation announced that Malaysia will join 172 countries in the Covax initiative.
