Be reasonable, fight the Covid-19 pandemic with a rational, scientific and constitutional approach, says Tok Mat


PETALANDO JAYA: The Covid-19 pandemic must be addressed without undermining the Federal Constitution and functional democracy, says Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan (Photo).

The vice president of Umno called on the government to remain focused on addressing the crisis in accordance with the Federal Constitution and improve initiatives to educate the rakyat, based on scientific and data-driven approaches.

He warned that actions deemed to undermine the spirit of the Federal Constitution and put science on the back burner could worsen the situation.

“It could negatively affect the economy and put the nation and the rakyat in a more difficult situation,” Mohamad warned.

The Covid-19 threat is not unique to Malaysia, he added, as it is a pandemic that affects the world.

“And so far Malaysia is still ahead of most countries in the fight against Covid-19,” he said in a Facebook post on Saturday (October 24).

He also said that Malaysia’s ability to address the health crisis had gained global recognition.

“Therefore, any action taken to address the crisis must reflect the government’s ability to take rational action based on scientific findings and take the public interest into consideration,” he said.

Mohamad said this in response to talk that Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had proposed an emergency proclamation to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Manage the crisis by defending the Constitution and allowing (the continuation of) functional democracy.

“Improve public health and safety response systems, and prioritize the interests of ordinary people, and do not overburden them further,” he said.

Mohamad said Malaysia is not facing a crippling economy, healthcare system or public safety problems.

“In fact, Malaysia is in a phase of economic recovery, which is focused on and loaded with various stimulus packages in the interest of rakyat.

“The health system is also working well despite being under pressure,” he added.

Mohamad also noted that Malaysians were generally adhering to published protocols to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
