Banks contact 2 million borrowers about loan extension


KUALA LUMPUR: As of August 28, 2020, banks have contacted some two million borrowers who may need help paying off their loans to pay off their loans, the Finance Ministry says.

Deputy Finance Minister II, Mohd Shahar Abdullah, said that of the 1.1 million borrowers who have given their comments, nearly 300,000 have confirmed that they really need help with their loan repayments, with the rest still weighing the options available. .

“These figures will continue to increase substantially with borrowers enjoying the ease of application through the various channels provided,” he said today in the Dewan Negara in response to Senator Datuk Razali Idris (BERSATU), who wanted to know the number of borrowers in the target groups, including those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19, who have benefited from the extension of the loan moratorium.

“Of the total number of completed loan repayment assistance requests received and processed, 97% have been approved.

“The application process for individual clients is expected to take between one and five days, while for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), it is expected to take between three days and two weeks after the bank receives the complete application.” . he said.

He added that the public need not worry as your application will not appear in your Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) report.
