“Ban smoking in high-risk areas”


The National Tobacco Control Commission (NCTC) urged President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to enhance Covid-19’s mitigation efforts by banning tobacco cigarettes and electronic cigarettes, especially in “high risk areas”.

In a letter issued Monday, the commission urged the president to ban the sale of cigarettes, remove cigarette displays from stores and tighten the ban on cigarette ads.

The NCTC stated that it was encouraging stronger “enforcement of cigarette-free areas”, adding that private homes could be included among high-risk areas to ensure safety and comfort indoors.

“The government (should) ask people who smoke to quit or cut down to avoid an increase in Covid-19 deaths,” the letter said.

Joint Ministerial Decree No. 17/2011 prohibits the use, sale and advertising of cigarettes on public transport and in public spaces, as well as in health centers, schools, places of worship and playgrounds. However, the regulation does not stipulate any sanction for violators.

Komnas PT’s call to impose a smoking ban during the epidemic is also supported by 17 health associations and organizations, including the Indonesian Public Health Association (IAKMI), the Indonesian Society of Respirology (PDPI) and the Foundation from the Heart of Indonesia (YJI).

PDPI President Agus Dwi Susanto said that certain substances in cigarettes, such as nicotine and tar, could improve the regulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptors in the human body.

Studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 uses the enzyme to enter human cells for replication, according to STAT.

Agus cited a study “published before printing” on February 28 in the Chinese Medical Journal that suggests that smoking may increase the risk of pneumonia by contracting Covid-19.

He also cited another study published April 15 in the Journal of Medical Virology, “The Impact of COPD and Smoking History on Covid-19 Severity: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis,” which suggests that heavy smokers are twice more You are likely to experience serious results of the disease.

He said that smoking could reduce the motility of cilia in the respiratory system that prevents harmful substances from entering the lungs by 50%. Smoking was also the cause of other immune system disorders.

“Passive smokers are also at risk because they also inhale the dangerous substances in cigarettes,” Agus said in a virtual news conference on Tuesday.

“Cigarette smoking can also cause transmission (Covid-19), since smoke spreads respiratory droplets when exhaled.” – The Jakarta Post / ANN
