Australia Issued An Ultimatum From China As Tensions Rise: “Correct Your Mistakes” Or Otherwise | World | News


Speaking today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warned that Australia had caused ties between the two states to fall to crisis levels. Australia’s treasurer Josh Frydenberg stepped up to resume dialogue with the state amid a series of trade disputes between the two states. China has imposed tariffs on barley, beef, cotton and wine in addition to an additional $ 28bn (£ 15bn) impact on service exports that could be at risk if citizens refuse to travel to Australia.

Despite the attempt to end the trade dispute and restore ties, Zhao insisted that Australia “must correct” its mistakes to save ties with the state.

He said: “The Australian side is very clear on the crux of the deterioration of bilateral relations.

“The root cause is Australia’s repeated wrongdoing and comments on issues relating to China’s fundamental interests and major concerns, as well as its provocative and confrontational actions.

“Those who have caused problems should be the ones to solve the problems.

“The Australian side should take concrete action to correct its mistakes, do more to enhance mutual trust and bilateral cooperation, act in accordance with the requirements of the China-Australia comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and create a favorable environment and conditions for the bilateral cooperation in various fields. “

China’s tariffs on crucial Australian products were the result of accusations leveled against the state over the coronavirus outbreak.

Beijing also chastised Australia for removing the Huawei kit from its 5G network and Canberra’s attempt to align itself more with the US.

Tariffs on Australian goods have led to exports of up to $ 19bn (£ 10bn) a year along with possible $ 28bn (£ 15bn) in lost services due to the drop in travel.

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Commenting on the treaty, Zhao said: “China strongly deplores and rejects the press release issued after the conversation between the Australian and Japanese leaders that made unfounded accusations against China and greatly interfered in China’s internal affairs.

“We urge the relevant countries to understand the situation and stop the irregularities that undermine China’s sovereign rights and interests and interfere in China’s internal affairs.”

Under threat of further backlash against Australia, Morrison moved to insist that China should not be threatened by the pact.

Instead, he claimed that the treaty was more to promote relations between the two countries.

He said: “This is a significant evolution of this relationship, but there is no reason for that to cause concern in other parts of the region.

“I think it adds to the stability of the region, which is good.”

However, deepening military ties will also increase cooperation in areas such as the South China Sea.

Both Japan and Australia have expressed concern about China’s moves to militarize the region.
