Australia is back on outbreak alert as state virus infections rise, Australia / NZ News & Top Stories


ADELAIDE (REUTERS) – The Australian state of South Australia reported 14 new cases of coronavirus on Monday (November 16), a rapid increase in the first outbreak in the state since April, prompting officials to impose social distancing restrictions. .

The group also led other Australian states to reimpose strict quarantine measures on anyone arriving from South Australia, just days after Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he expected all internal borders to be open by Christmas.

South Australian authorities first reported three locally acquired Covid-19 cases on Sunday, saying the outbreak was caused by a quarantine hotel worker who infected family members. By Monday, the number of cases had risen to 17.

“We are facing our biggest test to date,” said South Australian Prime Minister Steven Marshall, announcing new social distancing rules and reintroducing restrictions on restaurants, cafes and gyms.

“We work day and night to get ahead of this group. We can’t wait to see how bad it gets. “

Marshall ordered the closure of gyms, recreational facilities, community sports, and game cafes. The number of people at funerals was limited to 50, while church services were limited to 100 people. Pubs, clubs and restaurants have a limit of 100 people per venue and a maximum reservation of 10 people.

Marshall also advised people to work from home, avoid unnecessary travel, and wear a mask where social distancing was not possible.

International flights will be diverted from Adelaide for at least the rest of the week, he added.

Australia had seen no new locally transmitted cases for several days since the state of Victoria emerged from a prolonged lockdown to end an outbreak there earlier this month.

Victoria has been responsible for most of the around 28,000 cases in Australia and just over 900 deaths.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the latest outbreak was “a reminder, even after a lockdown, even after all this time, the virus has gone nowhere.”

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said he had offered to provide the national defense force personnel and contact tracing system to help South Australia stop the spread of the virus.

Western Australia, Tasmania, Queensland and the Northern Territory imposed mandatory quarantine for arrivals from South Australia.

Meanwhile, Australia’s most populous state, New South Wales (NSW), did not immediately announce changes to its internal border controls.

Separately, Australia said it would spend A $ 1 billion ($ 980 million) underwriting the construction of a vaccine manufacturing plant under an agreement with a unit of biomedical giant CSL Ltd, which guarantees supply. of flu shots and antidotes.
