Australia cancels Muslim scholar citizenship for the first time locally | Australia


Abdul Nacer Benbrika, born in Algeria, is the first person to be stripped of his citizenship while still in Australia.

Australia canceled the citizenship of an Algerian-born Muslim scholar who was convicted of leading a “terrorist” cell that planned to bomb a football match in Melbourne in 2005, according to Home Secretary Peter Dutton.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika is the first person to have citizenship taken away while still in Australia.

“If you are a person who poses a significant terrorist threat to our country, then we will do everything possible within Australian law to protect Australians,” Dutton told reporters in Brisbane on Wednesday.

Benbrika was convicted of three counts of “terrorism”. He was imprisoned for 15 years for leading a “terrorist” group, being a member of a “terrorist” group, and possessing material associated with planning a “terrorist” act.

Benbrika remains in an Australian prison despite having served his sentence.

Under Australian law, Canberra can detain anyone convicted of “terrorism” crimes for up to three years after their sentence ends.


Benbrika’s lawyers have appealed against his ongoing arrest. You have 90 days to appeal the cancellation of your citizenship and return to Algeria.

Under Australian law, a person can only be stripped of their citizenship if they have dual citizenship, which prevents people from becoming stateless.

Australia used the powers in 2019 to strip Neil Prakash of citizenship, a suspected ISIL (ISIS) recruiter who is incarcerated in Turkey.

Australia argued that it had dual citizenship, as it also has Fijian citizenship, although Fiji denied the claim, which soured the bilateral relationship.
