Aug. 31 fuels resentment over ‘vassal states’, activists say


Among East Malaysians, questions about the proper date for National Day continue to recur.

PETALING JAYA: For many Malaysians, August 31 is a sacred date as it commemorates the country’s independence, but an alternate narrative about Merdeka Day as an insult to East Malaysians continues to circulate every year.

For the political scientist and social activist Chandra Muzaffar, the problem runs much deeper than mere disagreement over the date.

“Stop debating the date and face the real issues here,” he said.

Chandra said resentment in eastern Malaysia stems from the unfair treatment Sabahans and Sarawakians have received since Malaysia was born.

“They have become vassal states within Malaysia rather than equal partners,” he said.

Chandra muzaffar

East Malaysians argue that it is illogical to celebrate National Day on August 31, the day Malaya achieved independence in 1957, because Malaysia, which consists of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore, was only formally created on August 16. September 1963.

“When they first joined Malaya, they were expected to acquire the autonomy to govern their states as provided for in the 1963 Malaysia Agreement. However, since then, their rights have been eroded,” said Chandra.

Despite the states being a family, there is not enough communication between East and West Malaysia, he said.

“There is a need for greater interaction at all levels, from sports and cultural activities, to the management of government departments and central agencies.”

Sabahans and Sarawakians should have more opportunities to serve government agencies and bodies in West Malaysia.

“This is something that we should not ignore because it may affect the interests of the entire nation in the future,” he said.

Malaysians also have minimal knowledge of each other. This must change, he said.

Declassify Cabinet Findings in MA63, Filmmaker Says

Much more cooperation was needed throughout the South China Sea, in particular to achieve the equitable distribution of the gains from the vast natural resources of East Malaysia.

Sabahan filmmaker Nadira Ilana is another who also feels that “we are always going to be fighting, not just for facts but for semantics” because of the way history is taught in Malaysia.

Nadira Ilana

“For example, July 22, 1963 is Sarawak’s Self-Determination Day. But August 31, 1963, was also celebrated in Sarawak as their Independence Day.

Today’s question is: Are we celebrating Merdeka’s anniversary, or Malaysia Day, or are we taking the opportunity to examine our freedoms? she said.

“History is about perspectives,” he said. “The problem with Malaysia is that our media, history and educational system are almost exclusively told through the lens of the peninsula.

“The best way to celebrate National Day and Malaysia Day would be to pressure the government to declassify the findings of the Cabinet Special Committee on the 1963 Malaysia Agreement, which are still classified as official secrets.”
