Assistance to the B40 group should reach only people who deserve it and should be done temporarily, says the economist


PETALING JAYA: Any increase in social assistance to poor families must be encouraged, but the government must also ensure that it is extended only to those who deserve it.

At the same time, it must also be recognized that this is only a short-term measure and will not solve the long-term problem of low income among those in the B40 group.

There should be another plan that produces a positive long-term outcome, according to economist Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam.

Ramon, who is director of the Asian Strategic and Leadership Institute, also noted that a holistic approach is essential to ensure that only those who deserve it receive such help. Otherwise, those who really need it could be left out.

“The government must also disclose details such as the cost and the implications that may arise. We don’t want to exaggerate anything and find out that in the end we can’t afford it, ”he told the Sun commenting on Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s proposal that the government increase the monthly aid from the Department of Social Welfare to the B40 group by RM200. and RM300 each at RM1,000.

During a visit to Sandakan on Saturday, Muhyiddin said the proposal would come up for discussion at the next cabinet meeting.

Ramón said it is important to first determine how much is enough given that the cost of living varies by location.

He said 1,000 ringgit might not be enough for those at the bottom of the income scale “but the government should be encouraged to shell out as much as it can pay to deserving households.”

Ramón also pointed out that such help must be given on the condition that it is only temporary and that the breadwinner must seek employment.

He added that the basic needs of the family should take priority.

“Parents must ensure that the money is used appropriately, such as to cover the basic needs of the family, including education and healthy eating.”

Ramón said the aid should also be extended to retirees, especially government retirees.

“Not everyone has the means to live a comfortable life after retirement. The welfare of these people must also be considered. “

Lembah Pantai MP Fahmi Fadzil said the government must be clear about who it is and who is not eligible for aid.

“Is this only for those who are already receiving aid from the government, or does it also count for those who have not yet been included in the scheme?”

He said the government must also clearly state how much the additional aid will cost and how it will be financed.

He proposed that the amount be based on certain factors, such as the cost of living.

“The cost of living in Kuala Lumpur is higher than in places like Kuala Selangor, so a one-size-fits-all approach won’t do much good.”

He said the best way to determine how much each household receives is to use Baitulmal’s Islamic financial management concept.

The aid must also come with certain conditions to ensure that the recipient families eventually achieve financial independence, he added.

Read this story on our iPaper: Assistance to the B40 group should reach only the people who deserve it and should be done temporarily, says the economist
