Asking Anwar to resign is a big mistake


LYRICS | Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was fully responsible for uniting Pakatan Harapan’s four main partners – DAP, Amanah, PKR and Bersatu – to oust the longest-serving BN government from power in the 14 general elections (GE14) .

The biggest mistake Harapan made was inviting newcomer Bersatu into the fold and relying on the great teacher of politics, Dr. Mahathir Mohamed and Muhyiddin Yassin, who instead of sticking with the Harapan coalition when Mahathir resigned, they joined in a seizure of power with the support of the same parties and parliamentarians that voters rejected in GE14.

Why blame Anwar alone when the DAP leaders and Amanah committed the same fault by bringing Mahathir and the newly formed Bersatu from Muhyiddin back to Harapan?

Anwar’s removal as Harapan president or prime minister candidate may backfire if his partners pursue a “grand coalition plan” that could include Mahathir and his new Pejuang party.

Nowadays, if the country is in a chaotic situation, everyone knows who is the absolute responsible for this.

The removal of Anwar, whose charisma is still unrivaled in the opposition coalition, will destroy Harapan’s chances of winning GE15.

Many are blind to the attempts made to divide Harapan, which is strong because of Anwar.

Any grand coalition plan must be carried out by Harapan and not by any other party or parties. Harapan should invite parties from East Malaysia and perhaps from Gerakan, as well as the newly formed party by former Minister P Waythamoorthy, the Advance Party of Malaysia (Map).

This is the time for Harapan to come together as a spent coalition with Anwar remaining his prime ministerial candidate by forgetting some mistakes he made of late and moving on.

Consider Anwar’s years of struggle that started the reform agenda, the sacrifices he made, the agony and pain of long years in prison. DAP, Amanah and PKR should never forget them so easily.

Harapan’s partners must not fall for the conspiracy theories being put forward to break up Harapan by sowing discord against Anwar, who remains the mainstay of the reform agenda, something that no other opposition leader has been able to do relentlessly since the moment when he was dismissed by Mahathir.

What we have now is the worst kind of politics that is filled with hatred due to corruption, abuse of power, race and the religious rule of the day.

The people and Harapan must fight hard for the reform agenda initiated by Anwar and regain the rule of the people in GE15.

Anwar still has a huge following of a staunch following.

The people are the bosses, not the politicians, and they want to benefit from good governance.

DAP and Amanah, keep fighting and please stop any divisive plans not to unite under Anwar.

The writer is president of the Johor (Jiba) Indian Business Association.

The opinions expressed here are those of the author / contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.
