As Trump Refuses To Admit Defeat, Far-Right Groups Plan To Show Support In Washington


(Reuters) – Far-right groups and other supporters of US President Donald Trump plan to demonstrate in Washington on Saturday in a public show of support for his baseless claim of widespread voter fraud in the November 3 election.

Republican Trump has refused to accept that he lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden, now president-elect, increasing tensions. Trump supporters, including Republican lawmakers, have amplified his claims that his election was stolen.

The protests in the nation’s capital will bring together far-right personalities, including conspiracy theorist and Infowars announcer Alex Jones and the self-described “American nationalist” Nicholas Fuentes. The Oath Keepers militia and the far-right Proud Boys have also said their members will attend. Some leftist groups are planning counter-demonstrations.

In addition to the Washington event, pro-Trump protests and counter-protests are planned in other major cities across the country.

“It’s heartwarming to see all the tremendous support out there, especially the organic rallies springing up across the country, including a big one Saturday in DC. I can even try to come by and say hi,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday.

The forces of order had warned about possible acts of violence around the elections, including those of extremist groups, which so far has not happened. Experts on extremist groups said the Washington demonstrations had the potential to turn violent if protesters clashed with counter-protesters.

Christopher Rodriguez, Washington’s director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, said his agency was tracking about a dozen groups, each made up of “about a dozen” people who had indicated they would attend Saturday.

“I don’t want anybody to think that we are talking about a large number of people,” he told a news conference Thursday.

Rodríguez emphasized that those attending the rallies will not be able to carry weapons. “Violence will not be tolerated,” he said.

Trump supporters are expected to gather near Freedom Plaza, east of the White House. They have given their rallies different names, including the MAGA Million March, the March for Trump and Stop the Steal DC. MAGA is an acronym for the Trump campaign slogan Make America Great Again.

There have been pro-Trump protests across the country since Biden was cast as the winner on November 7, but they have been small and developed with few incidents.

Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Florida-based Proud Boys, said he expects about 250 members to attend the rally. He said he did not expect violence at the event and said the Proud Boys would adhere to local gun laws in the District of Columbia.

Stewart Rhodes, the head of the anti-government and pro-Trump oath keepers, said in a statement that his group “will help” with security for the demonstrations.

(Reported by Ned Parker, Kristina Cooke, and Ted Hesson, edited by Ross Colvin, Grant McCool, and Jonathan Oatis)
