Arrested: duo who erased Chinese characters on Penang road sign


GEORGE TOWN: Police arrested two men on suspicion of spraying black paint on a road sign that also features Chinese characters.

George Town OCPD Asst Comm Soffian Santong said the suspects, aged between 30 and 40, were detained after they turned themselves in at the George Town police headquarters.

“The suspects were released on police bail after their statements were recorded,” he said.

Police will refer the case to the assistant prosecutor’s office for further action after completing the investigation, he said.

The two men were videotaped commenting against the use of Chinese characters in Gat Lebuh’s Armenian traffic sign while crossing out the Chinese character with spray paint.

On Monday (October 26), the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) in a statement, said that it had filed a police report on the act of vandalism.

He also expressed disappointment over the matter.

ACP Soffian advised the public to exercise their rights in accordance with the law and the Federal Constitution in order to maintain racial harmony and the welfare of the country.
