Armed forces ready to act against any foreign disturbances in Sabah


SABAH SURVEYS | The National Task Force led by the armed forces is strengthening its “Op Benteng” in Sabah following police information that there will be a large influx of migrants from a neighboring country to disrupt the election day on Saturday.

The chief of the armed forces (ATM), Affendi Buang, said that ATM is ready to face any situation or threat that tries to disturb the harmony and sovereignty of the country.

“Surveillance on land and along the maritime border, not only in Sabah but nationally, will be strengthened at all times (some time), “he said in a statement today.

Affendi added that the coordinated deployment of assets from various security and enforcement agencies, as well as the participation of their members, is aimed at ensuring that the state electoral process runs smoothly.

The National Task Force also involved the police, the Malaysian Maritime Control Agency, the Malaysian Border Security Agency, the Immigration Department and the Customs Department.

He urged the people of Sabaha to be his “eyes and ears” and provide any information regarding the invasion and criminal activities related to the border to the National Task Force hotline at 011-6251 1223.

Read more: Sabah Decides 2020: Making sense of players, parties and battles

Affendi’s statement followed the disclosure by Sabah Police Commissioner Hazani Ghazali, who said police had received information about a plan to create riots on Election Day.

“Along with the Sabah state elections, we have received information that there will be a large influx of immigrants from a neighboring country who will come to Sabah to create disturbances.

“We have to thwart this so that the elections run smoothly and public order and security can be maintained,” Hazani said on Saturday.

However, he did not give details about it.

Later today, Hazani said that security forces had beefed up security in Sabah to prevent foreigners from committing criminal activities in the state, including kidnapping.

“There were kidnapping attempts (to ask for ransom). We received this information from our Philippine counterparts … there were attempts (by criminals) to come to commit this crime,” he said as reported by Named.

Hazani said there have been nine attempts by Philippine criminal groups to enter Sabah to commit ransom kidnapping since May this year, he said.

However, he did not elaborate on the matter.

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