Apple highlights sunset photo of Sabak Bernam taken by Malaysian student


Apple featured a photo taken by a Malaysian student on its official Instagram page in a recent post on September 28.

The photo showing a rice field during sunset was taken by Muhammad Faris Danial Mohd Faizal, 19, during a family trip to Sabak Bernam, Selangor.

In an interview with LifestyleTech, Muhammad Faris Danial shared that his photo was taken with an iPhone XR on July 13.

“I received an email from Apple on September 15 informing me that they are considering displaying my photo on their official Instagram page. I had to answer a few questions that included providing descriptions for the photo,” he shared.

Muhammad Faris Danial explained that although he received an email from Apple, he did not expect the photo to appear on his Instagram account, which has more than 23 million followers. He explained that a friend had received a similar email but that the photo never appeared.

“So I was very surprised when I saw it appear. I am also grateful for the opportunity,” he said, adding that the photo now has more than 200,000 likes, and the number of people following his account has gone from 1,500 to almost 2,000. in just one day.

According to Muhammad Faris Danial, this is the second time Apple has contacted him about his photos.

This photo was taken at Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Pekan, Pahang in 2018.This photo was taken at Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Pekan, Pahang in 2018.

“In 2018, a jump shot I did appeared in a compilation post along with photos taken by others. So I would say this is the first time that I have gotten a solo feature for my photo on Apple’s Instagram page.” He said.

As for others who want their photos to be featured by Apple, Faris said: “You just need to keep trying and improving based on feedback. I think the company is looking for images that are not heavily edited. Some of the photos that Apple presents they can be seen simply but always behind a meaningful story. “

Apple seems to have an affinity for photos that show the natural wonders of Malaysia. Last January, she highlighted a Terengganu beach shot by a local policeman. In 2019, he showed a photo of a rice field in Perlis taken by a student.
