Apple and Google share screenshots of what the Covid-19 contact tracking tool will look like


Apple and Google have shared the first images of what the user interface of their next collaborative coronavirus contact tracking tool might look like when it is finally rolled out.

As if Covid-19 had not traveled around the world in the few months it has been around, the outbreak has also produced some unlikely collaborations between highly competitive companies that are teaming up to develop security tools for the public; Earlier last month, Apple and Google announced that they are working together to create coronavirus contact tracking software built into the phone’s operating systems that could tell users if they’ve come across someone who tested positive for the disease.

The technology, which uses bluetooth, is designed to be incorporated into applications by public health authorities who, according to Business Insider, “will be responsible for verifying and recording people’s Covid-19 status.” Each device will be assigned a “diagnostic key” that health officials can update with the patient’s coronavirus status, information that users can choose not to share.

Companies have now shared screenshots of the phone with an example notification displayed on the screen warning users that they may have been exposed to Covid-19 because someone they were close to tested positive for Covid-19. The app then gives phone owners more information about the exposure, such as the date they were near this person, if their diagnosis was verified, and tips on next steps they should take to protect themselves.

This update of the respective Apple and Google smartphone software is expected to be rolled out later this month. – AFP Relaxnews
