Anwar: the NP government is not out of the woods yet


KUALA LUMPUR: After the 2021 budget was approved with a simple voice vote on the political stage, opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hinted that the Perikatan Nasional government was not out of the woods yet.

While acknowledging that other opposition MPs, namely Kota Raja MP Mohamad Sabu, had strong views against the 2021 Budget, Anwar said that he called on the Amanah chairman to “allow the 2021 Budget to continue.” .

“This is to avoid block votes so we can continue (debating the Budget). There is no guarantee that it will not be approved.

“Next Monday, when the 2021 Budget is in the committee stage, it will be deliberated in depth. We will certainly choose to reject and ask for a review when deemed necessary, ”he said in the lobby of Parliament.

Anwar spoke to reporters after attending a meeting with MPs from the DAP and PKR after the 2021 Budget was approved in Parliament by a simple voice vote.

The press conference was attended by top DAP leaders, including Lim Guan Eng, Anthony Loke and Gobind Singh Deo.

“Whether or not it passes in the third final reading (committee stage), there is no indication that we are not following the agenda,” he said, referring to the reform agenda.

Anwar also acknowledged that Finance Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz had taken various steps when he announced the amendments made to the 2021 Budget.

The Port Dickson MP, however, criticized Tengku Zafrul for providing vague details on assignments in his final speech.

“The minister is expected to at least tabulate numbers and figures. He just said there is no increase (in funding). How can you say there is no raise when you spend millions? “he questioned.

Anwar also criticized spokesman Datuk Azhar Azizan Harun for being “blatantly biased” in chairing the meeting.

“Spokesperson, please use your responsibility and power and make sure there are adequate avenues for parliamentarians to express their views,” he added.

Earlier in Parliament, Amanah’s Pokok Sena MP Datuk Mahfuz Omar had called for a bloc vote. However, only 13 deputies stood up to support the measure.

For a block vote to be activated, it must be seen that no less than 15 legislators support, otherwise the President would announce the results of the previous oral vote.

Meanwhile, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad rebuked his opposition colleagues for allegedly supporting the Perikatan government after Mahfuz rose in the House to call for a block vote.

“As there were only 13 opposition MPs who rose to reject the 2021 budget, a block vote could not be held because 15 MPs were needed.

“The government formed through corruption and intimidation of parliamentarians was supported by opposition parliamentarians without a feeling of guilt for breaking their promises to the rakyat.

“This is what happened in Parliament on Thursday,” the Langkawi MP said in a statement.

“When we take a position, we will not depart from it on the basis that we have a responsibility as an elected representative.

“We maintain our stance to reject any form of corruption and we hope that people are aware of this and reject corruption. Only by rejecting corruption can rot in the country be avoided, ”he said.

The decision by DAP and PKR not to support a block vote called by Mahfuz was heavily criticized by Malaysians and their respective supporters on social media.

“YB, I, as a citizen of your constituency, was very disappointed with what happened just now in Parliament.

“Why didn’t he voice his complaints against the budget,” said Twitter user Lam Ian.

Under Standing Order 46 (3), a bill will be submitted to the House for a voice vote of “yes” and “no” in the debates with the results announced by the President.

The results can be challenged by a deputy under Standing Order 46 (4) of Parliament calling for a block vote involving the actual counting of votes of the legislators present in the House.
