Anwar must solve water and deforestation problems in Selangor


While Anwar Ibrahim, head of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition is busy trying to convince the country that it has a majority in Parliament to become the next prime minister, the citizens of Selangor, led by PH, prefer that he resolve two issues These are urgent, namely the endless water pollution in the state and the menteri besar proposed phase-out of the Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR).

Pollution of Selangor’s water sources

The Sungai Selangor pollution, which affects the water supply of more than a million consumers in more than a thousand areas in the Klang Valley, is but the latest water pollution scandal in a series of such incidents since that the PH government took office in 2008.

Law enforcement agencies, local authorities and state officials have continued to allow illegal factories to operate in these river buffer zones, while water polluters have managed to get away with their wanton acts.

Even if Menteri Besar and his cabinet resign, as responsible elected officials do elsewhere, the water “problem” will remain unsolved. What is urgently required is a holistic vision coordinated with evidence and action from PH’s senior leadership demonstrating that they are serious about protecting and conserving our water sources.

Such a vision must be comprehensive in nature and address root cause issues, i.e. clean up all factories from river buffer zones, reforest watersheds, implement proper waste disposal strategies, and demonstrate in multiple natural and innovative ways how to respectfully manage finite water sources.

And no, Prime Minister, we don’t need to draw groundwater!

The proposed removal of KLNFR

The proposed phase-out and development of the KLNFR by Menteri Besar Selangor Incorporated is the litmus test of PH’s commitment to the Paris Agreement on the reduction of greenhouse gases and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The peat bog forest is reputed to be the best carbon sink on the planet, and it would be sacrilege to destroy what remains of the forest reserve, including its critically endangered species.

Its proposed removal violates the national plan to maintain our existing forest area, the Selangor Structure Plan 2035 and the Kuala Langat Local Plan 2030.

Concerned NGOs hope Anwar will oppose the removal and express his position on the proposed destruction of more than 900ha of peatland forest reserve that will affect the lives of some 2,000 Temuan Orang Asli in the area.

The Selangor menteri besar has been holding town hall meetings that interested NGOs have found to be simply cosmetic exercises. We have no faith in Selangor’s Menteri Besar on this matter, as it was Menteri Besar Selangor Incorporated who requested disqualification in the first place and Menteri Besar himself is on the decision-making committee.

We want to remind PH that they need to be more progressive than the British colonial power that published the KLFNR in 1927, and show a real commitment to transparency, accountability and public participation if they are really different from the ruling coalition.

Kua Kia Soong is an advisor to Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram).

The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.
