Anwar Joins Chorus Asking Zeti To Respond To 1MDB’s Claims


Former Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz (right) is now under pressure to respond to allegations that her family had received money from 1MDB sources.

PETALING JAYA: Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has joined the chorus of voices demanding that Zeti Akhtar Aziz respond to allegations that her family had received more than RM100 million from fugitive Low Taek Jho, which included funds from 1MDB .

Anwar said that Zeti must address the matter immediately, including her knowledge of the matter and whether she had knowingly allowed transactions involving bank accounts linked to politicians when she was governor of Bank Negara Malaysia.

The PKR president said that with Zeti now at the helm of Permodalan Nasional Bhd, there was more reason for her to open up.

Zeti must also clarify any knowledge he had when the 1MDB scandal was first discovered and whether his family members had benefited from his ties to the fugitive businessman, popularly known as Jho Low.

“Failure to answer these questions will cast doubt on his integrity,” he said in a statement.

Recently, the MalaysiaToday portal, run by blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, claimed that some of Zeti’s family members, including her husband and children, had received more than RM100 million in funding from Jho Low, the mastermind behind the 1MDB scandal. .

According to the post, members of Zeti’s family allegedly executed a legal statement admitting to receiving millions in Singapore bank accounts, and the money came from a company linked to Jho Low.

FMT has not been able to independently confirm the veracity of the SD.

Former Prime Minister Najib Razak had previously asked Zeti to respond to the allegations, while the National Association of Patriots also joined in this morning, asking him to clarify things about his alleged involvement in the 1MDB scandal.

Meanwhile, Anwar went on to say that the registered offshore accounts have been shown to belong to members of Zeti’s family.

He also said that the accusations made against Zeti showed that the country was still far from solving the 1MDB scandal.

“Those who benefited and won from 1MDB must be brought to justice. Like those who had been complicit in the matter as well. The scandal would not have occurred without the approval of various financial authorities. “
