Anwar chose his own path: too little too late?


YOURS | It took Anwar an irrationally long time to break up with Mahathir.

Anwar explains why he is taking a path without Mahathir

JW: I do not blame PKR President Anwar Ibrahim for his pact with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at GE14 because most of the rakyat also hoped that the old man had become wise due to his long experience. Instead, we have a man who never changed: the most toxic man in modern Malaysia.

What is the worst thing about Mahathir when he is given a second chance to be prime minister? He openly lied to the rakyat when he said that he did not actually promise the rakyat to serve as prime minister in the first two years and to let Anwar serve as prime minister in the remaining years before the next election.

My problem with you, Anwar, is that you took an unreasonably long time to acknowledge that and break up with him. Didn’t you know that a good majority of the rakyat were ready for you to have your own path and risk even before the Sheraton Move?

If you still trusted Mahathir at the time, boy, that says bad about your judgment. If you believe that you did not have enough support within the Pakatan Harapan coalition to take on Mahathir at the time, then you have shown that you are still fearful and / or indebted to Mahathir and therefore do not deserve to lead.

In short, what you are finally saying here, Anwar, is that it is too little, too late. And in case your thoughts are still clouded, don’t you know you’ve lost all credibility when your announcement that you had a solid majority to take over Muhyiddin Yassin’s Perikatan Nasional’s Putrajaya ended like hot air? Even before that, many rakyat already dismissed it because they believed that “nothing will come out.”

So no one will care now if you, Anwar, go your own way. I consider myself his supporter simply because what the old man did to him in the late 1990s was totally unforgivable.

But now, I’m starting to accept that none of that will change – you’ll keep making great speeches that are just hollow, and the old man will still be as toxic and despicable as ever.

Doc: Anwar is wise not to include the experienced “political troublemaker” Mahathir in his future plans for Harapan. After so many decades in politics, clearly Mahathir’s central political strategy is “divide and rule.”

Mahathir is indeed a political cancer. Whatever group, coalition or party you join; it slowly infects the foundations of the party and destabilizes it and then rides as a savior of that entity and takes over the party.

I guess all political parties and political leaders are aware of his cancer tendencies and not only Anwar and Harapan are avoiding him like a plague but even PAS, Umno and Bersatu don’t want to entertain or have anything to do with him.

Kim Quek: I agree. It is a measure of Anwar’s great qualities that despite being publicly and unjustly humiliated endlessly by Mahathir, he has not retaliated in the same way not once. He even forgave and accepted Mahathir as a comrade, all for the good of the country.

Without Deng Xiaoping, the current Chinese superpower would not have existed, and without Lee Kuan Yew, the current Singapore would not have existed, which is the success story of nation-building in modern times.

Great leaders don’t come by the dozen. They can come once or even less in a lifetime.

Malaysia has yet to have a leader of such stature since our independence, hence the nation’s ever-deteriorating state.

Should we let this chance of a lifetime slip through our fingers by continuing to publicly ignore or even humiliate Anwar?

IndigoSwan6963: Mahathir is afraid of Anwar. His conscience weighs on him now. He destroyed all the trust and respect the rakyat had for him. He is the cause of the mess we are in now.

Who is he now to say that Anwar is unfit to be prime minister? He should have retired from politics and enjoyed the rest of the time with his grandchildren. But now, keep fighting for relevance.

May all Malaysians remind you that it is history. We hope that the media will talk less about him or he will continue to think that he is still necessary for the New Malaysia that we all hope. With him, there is no hope but destruction.

Ask any reasonable Malaysian, you will find that most will want you to keep your mouth shut. What is Pejuang fighting for? Are you fighting for yourself or for all Malaysians?

IndigoTrout2522: Looking at Mahathir’s record from his time as a radical Malay to his 24 years (twice) as prime minister, he has shown that he had not changed, using race and religion to the end.

He used anyone to maintain his power and position. None of his assistants, including Anwar, were able to work with him. It is always your way or the highway. He has never intentionally transferred power to Anwar.

Therefore, no one should be surprised as Mahathir would only blame anyone for his own failure. He is so autocratic that he held back the nation’s economic, social and racial development for decades.

We are still racially divided. Ideally, the nation should now be led by a new generation of capable leaders, but Mahathir is responsible for this lack of preparation.

Anwar and Harapan should move on without Mahathir as he has now lost the respect, trust and confidence of the rakyat.

The current political situation is caused by Mahathir. His close lieutenants are also drifting away from him. Mahathir’s vision of a unity government means that all MPs will have to listen to him and be loyal only to him. There are no political parties, because they don’t listen to it.

EM: In fact, from the mid-90s to where we are today, the end of 2020, we have been forced to read, gossip, speculate, argue and write endlessly and tediously about this Mahathir-Anwar nonsense that has really stuck. and stubbornly the conscience of the nation like a leech sucks blood and simply refuses to leave or be evicted.

It has consumed 25 of the country’s 63 years with really nothing to show for it. Except maybe one thing.

That Malay politics, drenched and drenched in a toxic cocktail of medieval race, religion, and practices will never allow new talents to flourish, will never rid itself of its accumulated scum and vermin, and will never, ever learn the basics of good government, because it is incapable to do so.

That is why, like the invisible virus that weakens and kills, it will continue to eat away at the vital elements of the country, a country already inflicted by three comorbidities: gross incompetence, normalized corruption and religious buffoonery.

I suppose that “news” like this will continue to be published until the disappearance of one or both characters who, if facts matter, have done (together) everything possible to paralyze the country, destroy its potential and put it on the way to an inglorious end .

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