Amitabh Bachchan pays tribute to Rishi Kapoor in tears


Amitabh Bachchan tearfully pays tribute to Rishi Kapoor. Photo: Indian Times

Amitabh Bachchan has always been quite close with Rishi Kapoor and since his passing, the Bollywood megastar seems to be shaken at its core.

He recently paid tribute to Rishi Kapoor during a concert for ‘I For India’. During the concert, Amitabh revealed Rishi Kapoor’s boyish forms and fun-loving personality. With tears in his eyes, Amitabh said goodbye to his friend and said: “He must have left with a kind smile.”

In the video, Amitabh can be seen sitting outside her Mumbai residence, dressed in a white shawl. He started by remembering the day he first met young Rishi at Kapoor’s house.

Speaking about his preparations in the studio, Amitabh stated: “I would see him more often later, at RK Studios, when he trained as an actor for the making of his film, Bobby, a diligent and enthusiastic young man, ready to jump on every learning that, in that famous and legendary large makeup room by Raj Ji down the hall from the first floor of makeup rooms. “

His playful demeanor was a breath of fresh air: “Even in the most serious sequences he would discover that comic spark and we would all laugh out loud. Not only on set, if you were with him at any formal event, he would find that joyous little gem and fun to expand and lighten the situation. “

“When there was a lapse of time when the shot was prepared during a pitch, he would draw his playing cards or sometimes pull out his complicated Bagatelle board and invite others to play, a competition, not just for fun, a serious competition “

Before closing the session, Amitabh stated: “During his time of diagnosis and treatment he never regretted his condition … it was always … ‘see you soon, just a routine visit to the Hospital … I will be back shortly I never visited him in the hospital. I never wanted to see the anguish on his smiling cherubic face. But I’m sure … when he left, he must have gone with a kind smile, “he said.
