Amid Online Uproar, Sabah MP Removes Post About Veveonah


Abdul Rahim Bakri accused Veveonah of deliberately creating drama to seek attention and publicity.

PETALING JAYA: After causing an uproar among netizens, Kudat’s deputy Abdul Rahim Bakri deleted a Facebook post accusing Sabahan student Veveonah Mosibin of faking an online college exam.

Rahim, who is deputy finance minister, said in the post that Veveonah lives in the city and that his family no longer had a house in the kampung where he claimed to have climbed a tree to sit for the exam.

He also accused Veveonah of deliberately creating drama to seek attention and publicity.

Veveonah was shot to fame recently after posting a video on her YouTube channel three months ago about spending 24 hours in a jungle tree to get the best internet connection so she can sit for her exams online.

Rahim said that Veveonah’s account was inaccurate and without foundation.

Malaysian netizens criticized him for the accusation, labeling him a “bully” and a “low IQ” person.

Last week, Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia Zahidi Zainul Abidin had similarly accused Veveonah of being a YouTuber and faking his online exam to gain views for his video channel.

Facebook user Boo Ching Ong was one of those who came out in defense of Veveonah today.

“These two vice ministers are trying to deflect the important issue. The fact is that many rural areas have unstable Internet coverage or no coverage at all, ”he said.

“What the communications and multimedia ministry should focus on is how to improve coverage or at least try to solve this issue. Why keep concentrating on the genuine story of whether or not that girl was being examined? “

Another Facebook user, Anthony Suministros, said: “I don’t know what kind of wakil rakyat this is. Condemn his own people instead of helping to fight for the right. “

Zahidi later apologized to Vevenoah and said he had received “inaccurate information” on the matter. “I want to correct what I said about Veveonah, that she had not actually appeared for the exams and that she had shared a video showing her in the tree only to get views for her YouTube channel,” she said in her apology.
